Yeah no, the writing went out the window with this one. WTF....
Mental illness is NO excuse for this.
Why did he try to avenge her again????
Ok, so he DID know 100% Phil wasn't involved. And he STILL went with revenge for her delusional ass'
They are both delusional, great....
Okay so, my bet is: He KNEW Phil wasn't involved, but still went for dumb revenge. I hope I'm wrong.
And THAT kids, is how you create a potential serial killer! :D
How much of a goddamn dimwit-doormat is this main character!? WTF.
Broken legs my ass, there was no reason for that to happen. WTF.
Unless the badguy manager hurt it.
In korea horses get killed for riders being shitty. So I'll bet on that instead....
NOPE. The horse didn't 'go crazy',it reacted to the rider making mistakes.
She's delusional at this point.
Sorry, but given she's bipolar you probably shouldn't blindly trust her words. Ask the other side fi
I really wish comics and whatnot would stop this BS. A tiny mask will NOT hide your identity....
How to make a website look bad 101
'always watching over you', yeah, apparently NOT when she needed it, you dumb-fuck!
this character just makes less and less sense. she's like an alien imitating a human, at best.
is the author a 12 year old or something??
I think someone needs to read up what poverty
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15 07,2017 created

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