you didn't know?
tone shift ftw...
this is cute, but i feel like human garbage so i'm not commenting. assume i thought it was cute
best part of the ghost chapter lol
Twinsies, i also have a cold :>
that face
i know i've read through this a billion times, but bro (Ueda) is baby on this page
*squints* no that's not Yoshi-... um i forgot his name since he was called idiot so often lol
bro is on the way ♂
it's a trap lol
is that fucking Yuuji??
me on the left
aww look a him
i only blush when i super embarrassed... aka giving a presentation by myself
and i feel much better thankfully, idk if i mentioned that
and i feel much better thankfully, idk if i mentioned that
... i feel bleh and i hate it somuch
... i feel bleh and i hate it somuch
hehehe :>
still feel crappy, but i can temporarily ignore it
still feel crappy, but i can temporarily ignore it