why is he human LOL
shes hot (smash)
the quality
God damn it these mfs dont know how to talk to each other
how does not having sex lead to divorce
no but he must smell disgusting and putrid no matter how "sexy" he is
groomer???? PEdophila???? Excuse me???? Hello?????? Rape????? You thought a kid was romantically cut
Guys i think the childhood friend likes his childhood friend
So he's a pedophile?!?!?!
No you weren't you were raped and i hate the guy
As a glasses wearer i am offended by you seeing his true charm from no glasses.
Fuck you and I hope everything of yours gets burnt down
the holy maiden is gonna be that hot chick that was supposed to be a sacrifice
What the hell
umm wtf
I'm dropping this
female alphas can get pregnant?!?! Females still get the short stick?!?!?!