So sweet and he never has given him a reply but it is painfully obvious......
That was very quick
Wait but who would be powerful enough to kill saiki? I need to know!!!
If he has sharp ears how come he couldn't hear what his lil brother and friend were talking about?
This little...you tricked me! (later found out it was an Animal Video)
Don't you dare act like a tsundere!
O..kay i think i need some time to process this.....
His reasoning makes no sense like really you just want to rape him don't you?
Don't tell me he think's he's only in love with him cause of the love potion (sighs) oh boy.....
Aw shucks.... is too cringey for me lol
This type of scene happens way too much in manga lol why?
Of course you won't...Why cause it would make him too happy can't have that
This is me when i'm with my friends and they're fighting.....Lol
I can't stand when people say someone's their's, one they are not, two come back when you're dating.
33 photos
28 06,2017 created

Rosie's other album

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