Flabébé (White Flower) - Single Bloom Pokémon, Fairy-type
(Evolves to Floette & Florges) Female only & rare and difficult to find
(Evolves to Floette & Florges) Female only & rare and difficult to find
Floette (White Flower) - Single Bloom Pokémon, Fairy-type
(1st evolution of Flabébé) Female only, rare & difficult to find
(1st evolution of Flabébé) Female only, rare & difficult to find
Florges (White Flower) - Garden Pokémon, Fairy-type
(Final evolution of Flabébé) when exposed to Shiny Stone, Female-only, hard to find.
(Final evolution of Flabébé) when exposed to Shiny Stone, Female-only, hard to find.
oh no #Food_Truck_Owner_Inside_the_Dungeon