sometimes the straight smut be hitting i said what i said
manz has been waiting an eternity for this
YOOOOOO see i was expecting it but not like this
40+ chapters FOR THEM! how am i still here
DAMN this dude has bEEn playing her from the very beginning omgggg he was playing hArddddd
this girl had me mad on MULTIPLE occasions jfc come on girlie get it together pLZ
AHHHHH i knew this man knew what was up this chapter lemme get a snack
you don’t sayyyyyy TBH they shoulda been showing his crazy ass from the beginning i’m mAd
AKDHAJDJAHSJANGDJS GAGGED HIM AND ME OMFG MY JAW FELL. why is it juicy right when it’s ending
oh no he didn’ttttt ahh and it was the hot ceo who called omgg. mr grumpy pants not gonna be happy
OMG HE GOT A CALL !?! y’all this has been the most exciting thing throughout this whole story
okay mr. grumpy pants LMAOOOOOO but fr tho man has patience frfr. his crazy made him keep up
bruh it took 40+ chapters to get his pov i cannot believe i read this while mess of a story rip me
lmaoooo i
!!!!! soo this was it wowwwww
okay joe goldberg
wow kinda saw saw this coming but at the same time i didn’t he a frEak
whatever comes to mind in the moment
1172 photos
21 01,2023 created

♥miapia♥'s other album

  • iconic

    What that mouf do?
    slutty mouth tingz

    my fav thing is when the seme goes down on the uke

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  • heart eyes

    literal heart eyes lolz

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  • dick bigger than the eiffel tower

    Big boi-oi-oing energy lmaoo
    - Le Baguette Gang
    - King Kong Schlongs
    - Three Legs but Only Walk on Two

    184 photos
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