Ultra Ball Poké Ball - 2x catch rate modifier, double of standard Poké Ball and 33% more of Great Ball.
The Torturous Training of New Recruits (The Legend of Zelda)
Ultra Ball Poké Ball - 2x catch rate modifier, double of standard Poké Ball and 33% more of Great Ball.
Ultra Ball Poké Ball - 2x catch rate modifier, double of standard Poké Ball and 33% more of Great Ball.
Ultra Ball Poké Ball - 2x catch rate modifier, double of standard Poké Ball and 33% more of Great Ball.
Ultra Ball Poké Ball - 2x catch rate modifier, double of standard Poké Ball and 33% more of Great Ball.
Ultra Ball Poké Ball - 2x catch rate modifier, double of standard Poké Ball and 33% more of Great Ball.