He used his Rizz to not get beaten further. This would probably work IrL if you had godly rizz.
Bwahahahahahha I’m rolling off the sofa in laughter. I can’t get of these two, too wholesome
This BL knows how to character development with Making the red flag go Green <span class="emoji emoji2
Jaekyung should’ve been beat as a kid . Cuz, he clearly has never had a good disciplining growing up
I bet 95% are from thirsty teen girls and that 5% is people who sent to the wrong address
Are athletes this popular? Or do people seriously send gifts to rich people . Dumbass energy
The teasing dynamic is lowkey cute (still not won over Mind you)
I’d love this series to have a plot twist with Jaekyung becoming a serial killer
Give Minghwa -Nim a raise! Her art is breathtaking. I’m on my knees & In love with the dappled light
T H I S. M A N. I S G O R G E U S . M A R R Y M E. !
This is like making bald jokes around a cancer patient
I want to yassify them with Nikki minaj aesthetics
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater You said it -<span class="emoji emoji1f3b6
This is sweet development for a romance (Cute+) however the context doesn’t help
I wasn’t focusing on the background. But I keep remembering Logan Paul Vs KSI. Unholy abomination
Respect 0.5+ gained for Jaekyung
This is a really good way to tell the audience when they are speaking a. different language
I don’t like him, but my anxiety went <span class="emoji emoji
I add pretty art in the album for references, while commenting on the scenes
2128 photos
09 12,2022 created

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