look i don't believe in a relationship if one of the partner is a cheater and the other is loyal
no don't forgive him this asshole is a jackass
no this jack ass will use and throw u away
now u realize u r her husband u son of a bitch
wow and her comes the jackass after his bitch tattled on the FL
wow he really a fucking narcissist
oh wow this ass wow talk about being a fucking narcissist go fuck yourself ML
wow the jack had the balls to say she is selfish when she is the 1 that did all the fucking work
his face is the only that thats good about him but he's personality is fucking shit so don't
and u forgive that son of a bitch that left her to die
wow the bastard don't deserve any devoted wife he deserve girls that will give him std
wow u dare say she is a decoration u fucking peace of shit i hope u get fucking STD and die form it
oh wow u acting like u fucking selfless and not a fucking selfish son of a bitch
wow u fucking son of a bitch
made this folder just for this motherfucker ass