You mean ......
Fucked the Shit outta ya
Fucked the Shit outta ya
usually when my answers were
circled, I needed to reflect on it
circled, I needed to reflect on it
the jealousy ...
... is off the wall :))
... is off the wall :))
Beautiful Balls Indeed
This whole convo
This whole convo
True words spoken
so freely.
so freely.
is that pic spose to be
anothr visual gag
anothr visual gag
Way to go Kazuma :))
Worried about 'CUTE'?
YOU CALLED HIM 'beautiful'
YOU CALLED HIM 'beautiful'
*drooling* "o"
Christ he's seXXXy
Christ he's seXXXy
FUCK!!!! Hhnng!!!!!
......thats seXXX:))~
......thats seXXX:))~
Spread Facts not cheeks
Oh come on ....
..this is cute ain't it
..this is cute ain't it
I read. I laughed. I died.
*chefs kiss* Muwaah!
*chefs kiss* Muwaah!
whatta fckn panel
Holy Crapp, :((...
this is a heavy panel
this is a heavy panel