You mean ......
Fucked the Shit outta ya
usually when my answers were
circled, I needed to reflect on it
the jealousy ...
... is off the wall :))
Beautiful Balls Indeed
This whole convo
True words spoken
so freely.
is that pic spose to be
anothr visual gag
Way to go Kazuma :))
Worried about 'CUTE'?
YOU CALLED HIM 'beautiful'
*drooling* "o"
Christ he's seXXXy
FUCK!!!! Hhnng!!!!!
......thats seXXX:))~
Spread Facts not cheeks
Oh come on ....
..this is cute ain't it
I read. I laughed. I died.
*chefs kiss* Muwaah!
whatta fckn panel
Holy Crapp, :((...
this is a heavy panel
1001 photos
27 11,2022 created

JESTERs.thnkn.Str8's other album

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