He's so mean ._. but...HE'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!
That's so cute! even Sempai's face is!
Awwww...He's just like my cat :') and lookie here...Tiolet-sempai is hugged by his crush :))))))))))
Update!!! Yacchan scaredy-cat
Sleeping handsome???? xD
It's not a fever...it's his heat o-o HE'S AN OMEGA!!!!!!!!!
If their child was a girl THAT WOULD MAKE IT MORE PURE! bc 2 boys producing a girl! i mean...WOT?!?!
Awww...I respect homos so much...them being a mom is just...WOW~
That's so unique...I wish there'd be omegaverse irl ._. it's such a shame T-T
Get away from Mommy!
Aww I wanted to play too xD I'd make the child cry so much