Why in the hell doesn’t he ever use a stall.
I knew this mother fucker was a freak when I saw his face at the bank
There’s no reason for y’all to be horny rn
This so funny and refreshing
Guys pls I can go like I’ll just leave cause second hand embarrassment is real
They live in a whore house
I peeped it before he even said anything
So dumb such a dumb cliche
What the fuck is that really poppa emperor?!
I LOVE frail white men with black hair. Tattoos and or piercings are a plus.
No cause why does he keep picking up just call bro back
Let them double d tidies out. LET EM OUT NOW.
It runs in the family huh
Babes… uh uh- on the beach? You’re gonna get sand up in your coochie and it’s uncomfortable to fuck on rocks and dirt. It’s not cute.