what the actual fuck :(( this poor boy
STOP PLAYING WITH MEEee i cant do this rn
nioooo :(((((
my heart is in my stomach
:(((( little did he know what would happen
oof. my heart tightened up seeing him get kicked out:(
o god i thought i was prepared, i wasn’t
noooo don’t fight :(((
uhmm hold on,. why’s it turning this wayyy noooo that hurt me
season one is pure pain SHIT i hate and love the reread loll damn it’s good
this is just evil. crying so bad atm ohmygoodness wtf
the tears and the small smooch
“i have a heart and i can feel pain” ok chu wanning NO BUT SERIOUSLY THIS HURTS SO BAD
so fckin bittersweet seeing kloff cry. the last panel of him holding aeroc i CANT my heart can’t tak