look at this sneaky guy, pretending to bully him so yuzu knows his nonbio dad cares for him
he thinks he’s bullying his adopted son <span class="emoji emo
THATS HIS SON RIGHT THERE<span class="emoji emoji203c"></spa
if i was yuzu i would’ve fallen to my knees, WHATEVER YOU SAY SIR
so its about that little mission he did, niceee
misaki is so silly i love him and his little chibi expressions
MY SON <span class="emoji
is that the guy from the other couple paring with a 4 yr difference
y r they kinda cuteee, the author ate with this pairing ooouuuu
pawsee, doesnt todo have black hair why is it not colored like misaki’s…
<span class="emoji emoji1f
BITCH <span class="emoji e
i love misaki so much, he’s always been my fav character out of the whole authors franchise
8388 photos
25 07,2022 created

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