bitch, wtf. they swapped eyes
she REALLY sold her kidney.... GIRL
candied sweet potat w/ eel oil.... its like candied yams with fish oil, yuck
why hasnt his hair gotten longer in 3 years?
Longerrrr (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Longerrrr (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Do they just transform to adult bodies when they reach a certain age?
cut the tips off his nipples???? huh?????
baby... this dress..... god....
yoooo. omg
whathappened was worse than i thought
And I thought the last chapter was bad. This is some crazy perverted grooming ass bastard
I was NOT expecting the actual penguins to be affiliated
*Soulja voice* PROPOSE?!!!!
..... just tell her. She needs to know that literally: the world is out to kill her.
why is it so damn ominous?
bro, she's so outta pocket