You have standards
You have standards
That's good.
Taking responsibility.
Taking responsibility.
He's being scary to protect you. Not to scare you.
That's love.
Beat his ass Shu.
That was not ok.
That was not ok.
He he he he he he he he
He came hobbling. He heard his woman was bleeding n hobbled straight to her
He came hobbling. He heard his woman was bleeding n hobbled straight to her
I'm so proud that you just called him down instead of freaking out over the dead bodies.
Lay things out nice n simple for this slut.
Took it like a man eh?
You are a fricking God level teacher
You are a fricking God level teacher
I'm glad you are trying to protect her. Unlike everyone else
That's right.
You don't need their permission but it would be great!
You don't need their permission but it would be great!
Love a man that leads by example!
I'm proud of you baby boy.
Stand your ground!
Stand your ground!
Keeping your promise is so Sexy
That's what men do. Protect.
That's what men do. Protect.
Kill him.
He put hands on a woman!!!
He put hands on a woman!!!