You are still in the dog house mister.
Flirting is a good start
Flirting is a good start
Mmmm. Mm. Mmmm.
That asshole is not going to be supported by the people.
That asshole is not going to be supported by the people.
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no say sike.
King, he's a fucking king.
Shut up.
Kun, tell your wife she is crazy
Kun, tell your wife she is crazy
Miscommunication! Stahp
Miscommunication! Stahp
This is the worst reunion.
I don't hear that you wouldn't be willing to try.......
Why are you so angry????
Talk to the man!
Talk to the man!
Ooooh. Straight shot.
At least the baby is being honest to a point.
Leave the baby alone! He's already sad.
Oh he had better know.