yo nanny u a fucking keeper i like you
nooo don't kill one of my keeper's characters she is the best one i came across don't kill pink hair
lmao i like this knight reaction hes a keeper
lmao this butler is good i like him hes a keeper
wowfamilywithflaws is accepted in only books in reality they r looked down upon so families r keeper
whole family is a bunch of tsundere and they all fall under my keeper categories cause they caring
lmao these 4 girls r keepers
bruh gramps a fucking keeper
man this father is a keeper
fuck this maidservant just fucking steal my heart
dragon dude and the baby are keepers
bruh this dragon dude is fucking cute
yo i like when FL is in the teddy bear it's cute so this is a keeper even if she don't possess it
lmao i like this kid she's a keeper
these 2 servant girls are keepers
i love this guard he's a keeper
well guess u are extremely emotional