…who’s gonna tell him? lmao sohan will NOooT like being abducted to his planet
i find it hilarious that he thinks he’s funny and sweet. sorry bro, ur FAR FROM IT
lmao nah he dense af cuz ur closet is is made of glass and it took u guys fckn for him to get it
LMAOOOOO BUSTED (thank you letz confront this earlier cuz this doesn’t deserve main conflict status)
well would u look at that Asa, one thing did lead to another
sorry bud, YOU LOST. you somehow managed to be less of a healthy option than JAY
nah cuz yoshi was wrong for this ngl he didnt have to do her like that
extras can STFU cuz its YOSHI TIME~
oh yeah. ur really turning him on with your fish facts. power could never
when you’re both socially awkward but in a different way
two different people
more dramatic irony lol
lmao wrong genre, wrong genre!
delusion….convince yourself….
he really thought he was sayin something okay