my man's hair- what hasth they done to you my boy????
he didnt know, that knew he was gay?!?!?!?!?!?! does nobody t a l k to eachother
and the other shoe just d r o p p e d
you cant be all that mad, you t o l d him to-
bad timing-
i dont think he can p r o c e s s that joke my guy-
lets watch this man spiral in 4k-
i could as you THE SAME THING MY GUY????
y-you good fam?
man can't even small talk, always right to the point-
as a glasses person- AYO WHAT THE FUCK?????? HOW HE GON GET HOME MY GUY???? ECHOLOCATION?????
heres a good frame-
i cannot even show this t h i n g in all its glory-
oh hes just a shit disturber-
you cant do this- no no no no no- give hap hap ending plz not this bs-
is the movie foreshadowing????
sir w h a t t h e f u c k -