sometime u need to say this to people at their weakest moment except for psycho or crackhead people
MC don't trust this man ass it's fishy
it's true but it's better to be truthful than give false hope to people
wise snake
true that girl
sometimes it's better to be alone in life not having any family
this dude is a keeper he said it well about changing yourself3
this dude is a keeper he said it well about changing yourself2
this dude is a keeper he said it well about changing yourself1
hate to break it to u but the dude advice is right
the mother give fucking good advice she's a fucking keeper i love her
your mother give good advise stupid take the fucking advice and focus on your work
naa bro u did the right thing once she is broken she will learn even if it's painful
sometimes it's best to be alone in life girl it's sad but it's true
she is annoying also vomit look at her dress it's ugly
it's sad but it's true when you marry young it's a big mistake you should wait until adulthood
ahh u poor child in your case it would have been better if u hand never loved anything or any1
should take this to my grave
34 photos
04 01,2022 created

cold hearted's other album

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