"Koumon, Saku & Kaku were women" = Charlies' Angels
Evil Cinderella
Still shoujo. STILL. Even though Yuki's about to get handed over to Kakeru.
"They don't like my hair nor my attitude -let's get some piercings then."
Just who'd be able to adjust to your kingly attitude Ayame...but for the love of GOD stay as you are
Run Sensei...RUN
Diamond Dust - INCOMING
A woman in love. (I'm gonna send him FLYING...)
..hit, hit and hit Kyon-Kichi! (wha..?)
I believe in you
....there it is!
Hatsuharu defuses a haunting house
...it doesn't get any simpler and closer to real life than this!
"URYA"... this has SO many creative uses...
...just now...