Recovery Girl character info
Ectoplasm info
Pretty art showing the top 10 popular ranked by votes!
Kaminari quirk info
"Now Eat This" LMAOOOOO
Jirou quirk info
Ashido's quirk info
Best Jeanist character info
Gran Torino character info
Pretty art of 1-A in formal clothing in color!
Pretty fanart of Hatsume
The girls of 1-A in their costumes
The moment Izuku hits Todoroki hard about him being his own person!
#1 Hero vs. #2 Hero art
Ashido character info
Shinsou character info
Shiozaki character info
Kendou character info
Panels from the manga "Boku no Hero Academia" that I found funny or liked too much. It can also have character panels or pretty/beautiful ones too :)
121 photos
01 12,2021 created

JKLuv's other album

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