Idk, catch you?
*showed my middle finger* heres your bling bling of the day
Nothing beats the real deal but I like your spirit mate lol
No, child. Do not– oh wait, yes hold back and come rant to me
And earn the title of skiny bones ic
Wowie 1000000000000000000/10.
I live for this moment
This is one of the few reason im still alive MWAHAHAHAHA
Pftt HAHAHA cutieee
Child wanna be a cross specie kek
Her dress looks like the dress I saw online that was being complained as being a bit like a maternit
Ah, he looks like the wrinkled ml
LMAO I love this couple so fvcking much
And thats how I yeeted your mother making her fell in love with me, Kids.
*le smile* Dress like that.. *cough blood, taking out the clothes out of my cart*
Kek yess
Scenes that are so smexy but at the same time funny
2045 photos
30 11,2021 created

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