fuck don't become toxic don't do rape like shit please fucking nooo
excuse me u fucking leach u 1 nasty man u already have a wife
girl don't fall for shit that falls out of his mouth also his family is shit
wow he ain't gonna explain 1 shit to her what an asshole
ah i already don't like this discussion
bro wtf you the one that was pushing and got her all hot and bothered?I find this dude replusive
that's it i'm getting my fucking wok and frying pan out just for u motherfucker
she was drunk&had sex that's it stop making it look s if you care when u left her for a year alone
is this man fucking dumb does he not know what shitstorm will happen when they know she is his wife?
no there is no other reason like you haven't done it in a while and u know your body kind of need it
this man doing fucking low blows like he also had sex with her it was a mistake+she was drunk
wtf responsibility what r u pregnant? Is that your first time?
oh my fucking god the girl hadNOtime to release her sexual desire don't make it seem like something
hell naI don't buy the shit that's coming out of his mouth plus for all we know he has another woman
just fucking tell us what's in the fucking letter
wow David speaking bullshit out of his mouth
hell no if he believes whatever fart Kevin say he's fucking stupid
girl i see your history repeat itself but with him he's a prince i'm pretty sureHe's gonnaHaveAHarem