Teach me ur move, I need to know how to fight like that
I see a outside ship that I think we wouldn’t see a lot of
U will love him, sweetness make it less bitter
Is he trying to act like him? :/
Wait what ur plan? What are u trying to do? Do pink hair know ur plan?
Will that hurt
I- oh wow- I suck at exercise- I- he going to miss understand
(Didn’t read yet) wow he a good drawer
He good at drawing but ur getting jealous
That sad, he want to be distant from u but he still love u in a way
If u want revenge, u need to get rid of love (/ _ ; )
Will that got dark- I’m sorry for u- ur like equal now?..? Idk but it dark- WAIT but at least call some for him (´;Д;`)
Nvm, he make his parent go to jail, guess that why he hate him? Idk
I feel bad for him, for u he know he the one who kill ur parent and he doesn’t want to go any far
Oh dear-
The air after they kiss tho (*´꒳`*) “no one can refuse him, more over I” (〃ω〃)
He- he would let u do anything to him for sure, he love u, even licking ur hand