What a terrible name for that game lmao
Or get better… or stop… such pettiness
But if ur sniping and ur translations are ass, doesn’t that mean u shouldn’t do it?
If it was middle school, how u still recognize him 10 years later, bro
Ok…. A predator and stupid… telling her all this valuable information lmaoooo
Ya. I’ve a question. Ur a capture target and a teacher? Can u spell predator for me?
Girl? Are you stupid?
Aren’t these two like related? Like cousins or sisters or something? Concubine of the king? Idk
This bitch gon swallow a bug, huh?
Man said the *charm* machine not the RAPE machine <span class="
Does this girl live in fantasy land..?
In WHAT WORLD is this man a *dreamboat*
Das, no!
God ur way to dramatic over this…
Oh… it’s one of THESE stories…
Immediately unimpressed again. Damn. This roller coaster is all downhill except for tiny lifts
When all the characters in this story are fucking idiots
Y’all are fucking idiots