Look at Ozymandias, my god, he so beautiful and intense. I looove gold eyes.
Excuse me sir……may I lick those rock hard abs?
This is a gorgeous illustration book with my 3 favorites smothered in jewels.
My favorite pic of Gilgamesh(archer).He is rocking that platinum emerald snake necklace. Look at his ABS!!
My favorite poly couple of all time! The are so sweet!
This is a large plastic folder I purchased for myself for passing a Japanese test…..what a beautiful reward!
This pic & the next are tkciao’s doujinshi. This author loves the GxO ship.I love these two dj because it is Ozymandias x Ozymandias
The one at the top right is an illustration book. tkciao allowed my favorite Sensei Hitsuji to create a page!
These 2 are by NiR. The authors draws the best Arash I have ever seen. NiR also draws Ozymandias well. It’s AxO.
This is an image from one of the NiR dj.Arash works as a stripper and Ozymandias is his customer. Beautiful art.
These are from Shinoz! and it’s GxO but the intensity of the contents are wild. I have one Shinoz!’s dj on the way.
This is a page from one Shinoz! ‘s dj. Ozymandias looks extra sexy(bottom left hand side).
Another page from tkciao’s “2/5”.
This is a page from Tkciao’ s “2/5” dj above. Two Ozymandias’ together, sexy times ahead… make my life complete!