The detail, though. (*´Д`*)
That’s one bad trip. .-.
M.C. Esher .-.
You’re not as pretty as you think. .-.
REALLY wrecked.
Yep. .-. Her shit got wrecked.
.-. You really shouldn’t put such dangerous things in there, hun…
Sodom would be proud.
Leather or latex? .-.
Kinky Batman. .-.
I was gonna type out more lyrics, but character count said ‘fuck you.’
‘Your eyes can be so cruel! Just as I can be so cruel!’ (( Best. Movie. Ever. ))
I’m still waiting for Gareth to show. .-. (( If you don’t get this reference, you’re too young to be reading this. ))
Yep. Crazy pants.
I’m still 100% okay with being bit. .-.
But Gutts is just SOOOO mean. ಠಠ Not.
Even all banged up and bloody… Dude is pretty.
For something that is vital to our survival, blood sure is quick to leave us. .-.