sensei so handsome
uu handsome
O.o miyuki is indeed very handsome
deym you reiji takamura sensei so hot!!!
ho finally they mentioned takamura's name here.. hes reiji takamura nice name
takamura at 17 so kawaaii
Yumm takamura sensei <3
omg omg cornnnnnnn
uwaa another hottie doctor Ikuechi doc treat me right plsss
okumura in glasses is still very smexy
Nanaos handsome like mikado
lmao i love nanao's reaction when he saw kuon slip the pic aahahah
dammmmitt kuon come to mee hahaha
Kuon ftw such a sweet proposal the best evaaaahhh
uwaaa uwwaa cant get enough of this couple kuon x Nanao