I gotta be honest, this is one of the most realistic looking sleep positions ever.
fjalkjfsd these sweet babies!
Aki, you precious darling.
fjlkasfj omg this sweet baby.
Oh that poor sweet baby. D:
Yeah, it kind of is, but who cares?! These three are ADORABLE together!
Hahha this is just too adorable. That face!!
They're all so cute!!
I have no idea what's going on here but those faces! jfldkasj
Ahhhh, so adorable!
Kisa? Is that you?!!
jfd;kasfjlks KITTENS!
JFDKLSAJ FINALLY!!! GO, KAE! Now wake up, Senpai!!!!
Okay, okay... just a little bit more, Kae. You'll figure it out.
Poor darling.
Oh this sweet darling...
Omg he's adorable!