uke likes adultery role plays but seme doesn’t like playing pretend
Oh shi seme get over here...
Woah...u jus confessed to seconds ago chill
Seme makes narsty remarks about uke out of jealousy which leads to their breakup :-(
Lol uke auditioning him to c if he boyfriend material and ALREADY shooting him downnnnn
Idk it’s super satisfying when ass characters try to get redemption and get the cold shoulder <span
YES RLLY…u lil bitch..
That was a heather level burn
looool ex bully apologize to victim uke...but uke still haaates hiiimmm
Like a cheesy tv drama slskskskskskskssk
Oh gOD
Icoooooonic devil shadow
What the hell this made my eyes water oh my god this hurt
Dom seme