watty?! what the...
All readers can see & understand why. All readers approve! Go forth and be happy you two!
Whaaaat? Plot-twist. Or just another twisted bad guy. Maybe both?
wu-wu... sooo scary! sooo mean! sooooo handsome! (cough-cough)
Yeah, no spoilers please. Mmmm... at least, not just yet.
Cute & quarrelsome.
Now-now, gentlemen... there's no need to start waging a war. Even if it's just a war of words.
Grey, grey, grey...
For the love of grey... Why is his hair changing colour. Silver suits him just fine, perfect in fact
Ummm... not bad.
can't have enough 'grey'
I don't know about you, sweet kitten, but i'm guessing me & all available readers are, quite happily