rise of the female lead character...yayyyyy!!!
shoujo ai's special ability to leave me utterly speechless... heheh!
something that even modern day CEOs should hear more often from their wifeys
revenge is dish best served by letting your transgressors infight & self-destroy...heheh!
... and the pearls of shoujo ai wisdom just keep on accumulating.
... Gungun...
yeah... what she said!!
sarcasm at it's shoujo ai best...
cute pair --- shoujo ai
because we don't often get to see an imperious royal beauty confused & regretful... fufufu...
no, no My-Lord... scared - maybe just a little?!
awww... so cute!!! Transmigrated Young Mistress is so protective & loving towards little attendants
ummm... one seriously, thoroughly-royally, imperially shocked subordinate. "Boss, spare me..."