Bro is about to pop lol
I still call my 16yo brother 'neném' lmao and probably will forever
So cute
I am laughing my fucking ass off bro
A example of what not to put inside you... Bro that thing would get stuck if they were real yikes!
I had to take some time do digest this, I laughed so f much lol
Bro no way. This image is so funny wtf lol
I truly love him omfg
Cavo ( ◜‿◝ )♡ adorable
Bruh *facepalm*
Woooowoooooo you good giiiiiiiiirl!!
She's worrying only about the hands? Not the bracelet that is more obvious? Ok then
I laughed so hard I started coughing hahahahahaaj
So far Guillermo has done nothing wrong. He deserves better than this... This is crap!
From I'll give her everythin to I'll NEVER give her anything haaahhahahahs that's better lol
This is some useless conflict we're having over here...
Yooooooooo no way T.T
Everytime she says this it gives me a pang in my heart *cry*