Fuck yes. Put your foot down and let that bitch know he has been claimed. He needs to just stop.
When your just done with the two faced bitch.
Yessss finally we shall see how they met?
Oh eat all of it
She's acute lil baby next to her big dad
Lolz they think she's crazy as fuck
Hehehe death warrant signed.
I love that they are so comfortable with him that they treat him as a friend.
This queen is off the hook.
Go get him!!!
He loves you and your poisonous cooking.
Yesssssssss. Cut that son of a bitch!!!
Yo ass was WILD.
When you just can't help yourself.
Da fuck is wrong with you bro?
You are going to get him killed lol
You are going to get him killed lol
Father of the year folks.
Keep it in yo pants boy. Nice n slow for now ok?