It's Morbin Time
Stand Back, I Am Beginning to Morb!
Also massive victim blaming, dude might be worse than ryuh han with all this emotional manipulation
Bruh... this doesn’t solve the situation at hand at all wdym??
What in the homophobia, SA, shittiest take on earth is going on
This was supposed to be good T T
This was supposed to be good T T
Police police
Omg he grew so much!!
Yeah im a weirdo
Elgato elgato T T
Thats so cooool!!!
Why are his sneakers pointy toed?
Omfg this pasta, I remember this god awful 3D model!! Ahh but where was it...
I’m sorry do you see Editor in chief?! I... i pls just give us a Kotorigawa san side story :pray: