this your bro-
oMg sOoooO cUtE
scoop your boo up king
OMG HOW DARE HE GRRR GET HIM <span class="emoji emoji1f479"></sp
TRANSLATOR- im dead-
‘your gay shorty
BARKBARKBSRK my reflexes are kicking in WOOOOFFWOOOF
omg yes f i n a l l y
omfg FINALLY! 139 ch later and we only get a hug and a peck on the cheek?!!...worth it
HEHE so cute ><
what that tongue do sirrrr
omg love his joking-but-totally-serious moment lol
so wholesome ugh my hertu
463 photos
05 03,2021 created

daddy_owls_chest_feathers's other album

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