he looks great in a hawaiian shirt
this manga really pulled at my fucking heartstrings, fuck
I fucking love Claude, bless his soul, because man, I don't even know. I love him
she's trampling all over my poor queer heart
excuse me Miss? please marry me
can she like step on me? please por favor, gracias
I like flowers
look at this fine ass hunk of a man, he's so pretty
this guy is in multiple credit pages
n I'm am just so glad to know where thisfineasshunkofmanis from
n I'm am just so glad to know where thisfineasshunkofmanis from
She can step on me, and do whatever else she wants, I don't care, she looks hAwT
my inner queer is coming out. why is everyone so pretty dsjkflanekwfnjqw
I literally love her, ah my poor queer heart
why is this basilisk so cute?I love, reptiles. they are something that make this planet better.
WhEn ThEy Do that fdjskglnfskaj hand thing with the hair, it's HOTTTTT
no me checking out this fine specimen of a man.
Even when he's smirking like that, he's so hOT. 10/10 I love this MAN
can someone please who this fine ass man is please
I'm sobbing they're just so fucking pretty wtf