Better from the cold, yes...
But really tho, why DOES he have it?
Hahaha "It's such a pity to have him remove it"
"Not to be sold separately!" lol
Ahahaha! Was NOT expecting that...
"Woof, that's animal abuse" lolol
"What a manly rejection!"
lolol "Shittiest pick-up line ever"
"At least say you're my LITTLE brother..."
Geez Takaya, give Touma just a minute to work through his emotions before you try to jump his bones.
I don't know what's better, Uematsu's face, or the translator's note
Smooth, Chun Sam
His classmates' confused faces 。:+((*′艸`))+:。
"THAT'S what was going on between you two" lol
These translator notes are gold!
121 photos
18 06,2016 created
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