Omg, dude, u don’t answer 50 questions with ‘are u gay’ smh
Aww oof
Wow, i thought he was gonna kiss him lol
Awww- oof never mind lol
He cares
Omg why do u even careeeeeee
Kill him!!!!
Omg yeesssssss, beat the shit out oh him!!
Save him! Please help him!!!!
Omfg, imma kill this bitch, come at me bro, I’ll fuck u up <sp
Wtf, he said he’d think about it when he’s already got a lover!! What a sicko! What an asshole!
I don’t like the look on his face
I don’t like that, the fact that he just brushed over his literal brother being in hospital
Omg, it’s that mofo
He does look hot with his hair down tho... and who tf is texting him