Daaamn! Zaddy is effing haaawt when he smiles! UwU
He looks so damn hotter when he smiles. Ugh! >.<
I loved the way he smiles. so cute and innocent! he looks like an angel (though not) :3
Zaddy looks so damn cute and innocent here. UwU
The way he smiles feels like my rotten soul is being cleansed. Ugh!!
He look so daaamn cute when he is blusing! >.< kyaaaaaaa
Zaddy's face looks so innocent! but we all know he is a beast in bed and when he is so turned on. xD
We love a zaddy who accepts some facial. UwU
Daaamn, I know he is a twisted and obsessed type of zaddy, but he is still haawt. :3
Daaamn! Zaddy is so turned on and he is all fired up for some action in bed. UwU
Zaddy's gaze can pierce right through my rotten soul! ugh! so hawwt :3
His face card is top tier. Very demure, very charming, very respectful. >.<
Daaamn look at that face card! Ugh. He is oozing with hawtness. :3
Zaddy is so haaawt even when he is so serious.
Zaddy look so cute and haaawt at the same time. We loved a cute buff bear zaddy! UwU
We love a Zaddy who is all fired up and turned on. Ugh!
Zaddy is so damn hawwwt even when he is upset. UwU
Zaddy is so dazzling and magnificent looking. Ugh!