How tf are you a hero but you're literal name is "Cruel" TwTwTwT
Why the fuck is the demon king so tall? Or maybe Arut is extremely short
How the hell does that gorilla see with that damn mask on
Did he really think he was calling him grandma as a joke he wasn't talking to you
Instead of crying can't you just get mad? Or maybe not since he might hit you if you get mad 7-7
This actually made me laugh
I will never get used to seeing him pray
Damn dude, you could've just lied
Ofc that was the reason he became interested in them
He won't let there be a single romantic moment XD
There is no way he just said that <span class="emoji emoji1f62d"
I'm scared for that phone
Because the author's a bitch (a good bitch tho, but still a frustrating one)
You're both women so I say punch this bitch and get it over with
Not on a dirty ass toilet- Being broke is no excuse to be nasty you weird ass kids
They're disney princessess
My reactions to anything that's funny, weird, or embarrassing goes here
Tags: weird
263 photos
29 12,2020 created

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