Wait- I just realized-- How come you don't have blood on you??? You also killed people..What Q~Q
Oh My GOD NOO, I know whats about to be in store in the future between this.. I always know TvT
Hmmm, don't think I haven't noticed you still holding hands... -v-
Omfg, I knew it! I knew it... He's def a vamp... NO JOkE! I kNEW It DOnt DenYYYYYYY
I swear to god, i'm going to take a toothpick and pop those watermelons. I SWEARRRRRrrr -~-
HmMMMMmmmm- this moment sure looks familiar *cough cough*
Lol, whenever I wore dresses back then, my bow would literally look like that XD
That one gay moment XD
I crazy SAngWoo is tHat You???
Killua...is that you bebe??
Why does she look like a freaking doll in this picture? lol
Dam, she relates to my everyday life towards school and chores TvT
"I'm going to die from anxiety" Me too.. Me too.. UnU
His... Ears. I- lol
... Grl, I-,... No comment -n-
"I want to sleep" My guy.... You've read my mind. Help me escape from this misery called school T^T
We all know, he gonna be fallin -v-
26 photos
11 12,2020 created

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