you can major in paleo..?
wahaha average CS student
i just realized,, wouldnt a normal person just k word themself if na-isekai sila or is that just me
as a student den im in dire need of a pogi schoolmate
the religious trauma would be a hit to my ppl
for some reason whatever i study sa 102 at da moment usually comes out more often in stuff i read
haha wala naman siguro mcd no haha,,,,,,
i can excuse [redacted] but NOT misogyny RRAHH
can they stop using “whore” for a woman,, it’s diff when it’s a term used to degrade women for decad
i have seen a grand total number of *checks notes* TWO women in this manhwa..
they talk abt his face like he’s helen of troy
hes so consumed by the yaoi HAHDHS me
wait pls dont ship irl ppl
fujoahi gf… fujosh save m fuj gf,,, ,,.. saveemm,,
why do the uni kids always seem to be so cool in mangas,,, im fr disheveled and sleepless and haggar
588 photos
07 12,2020 created

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