your own twin, i-
i cried..holy, this is the second time already
Hanbit is so sweet, I love him
my poor baby, its not your fault at all
nah, because actually fuck this bitch
rollll credits
God, he's such a wonderful human being :((
enough to make the manliest of men cry
no because he's actually so badass
I keep on coming back to this because DG's rejection is just so satisfyinggg
Bad yohan, very very bad yohan...
This made me so sad...fucking bastard
no because this is so dang romantic...AGHH
lmaoo these two are so different yet so alike
This guy got me in my feels aswell, damn
awwh...adorable ilyan...
just a collection of random pictures that made me feel some typa way, wheteher thats positive or negative.
1499 photos
01 12,2020 created

Yuiii~'s other album

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