Che & Liu Yue's Love Story (Manhua: Fenglin Tianxia Wangfei Shisansui) --->>>CLICK NEXT>>>
1: Liu Yue & Che First Meet
2: Liu Yue and Che's first fight.
3: Liu Yue accepts Che as her future husband.
4: Liu Yue and Che have fun deceiving the Prince's into gambling 4 470 000 Liang away.
5: Liu Yue (13) & Che (17) Share their first Kiss.
6: Che's first expressive sign of distress over Liu Yue who was poisoned.
7: Liu Yue & Che's 2nd Kiss. Also the moment Liu softened towards Che because of his worry over her.
8: Liu Yue's 1st signs of jealousy... or annoyance over a girl hanging off of him.
9: Che is angry over thoughtless comments being made about Liu Yue.
10: Che acknowledges his woman wears the pants in their relationship.
11: Che & Liu Yue being Lovey Dovey. (After she beat up the Left Premiere's Household of course)
12: Che and Liu Yue still being Lovey Dovey. Eskimo Kisses!
13: Lovey Dovey
14: Liu Yue wisely places control of the 4 470 000 Liang into her future husbands hands.
15: Che reveals in passing conversation he knows Liu Yue is hiding her true face.
16: 1st signs of Che's jelousy over thoughts of Liu Yue finding Du Gu Ye handsome.
17: Che shows he will support Liu Yue even if shes no longer herself & hurts him.