listen to yourself, how can a child seduce an adult? wtf???
goofy ass
how can a thief be so proud?.?
i hate dat d logical line of thinking is going to b wrong bc d uke likes the seme who assaulted him
absolute trash, throw him all the way in the garbage and let him stew forever
i hate stupid ppl
fkin idiot
all these characters....yuck. don't know boundaries at all
you were, ya goofy bitch. fking imposing couple pushin their shit on other ppl. both r assholes
uhn uhn this isn't cute, it's incredibly selfish. just cause he's gay doesn't mean that's ok :(
nor sir, you n d world created a mastermind
perfect life? an orphan since a young age, an entire side of his family hates him but great life, ok
bitch ur tryna kill me, cheating?
bitch grab yourself a job and if you can't lamar yourself and be humble
she's not a shameless whore 4 what she's doing but she's not helping herself by doing this wrong msg
bitch if you don't get yo dusty ass, this literal dusty bitch...
u would hope 4 him to end up wit this guy but goofy tyrant falls in love vibe fking rapist shit dude
that was a lame ending
1150 photos
28 11,2020 created

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