it's fine; you don't have to be a butterfly
i love this metaphor
lol the smell of life
they should live, pass the days together, and love each other; this is the everyday God created.
so is that what men think love is? Well neverheart, prepare yourself darling.
ain't that the truth
lol that's how my confession is going to go~ lol so blunt!! XD
so long as you don't give up, there will always be hope~
i think we forget how good we have it now; how just living is easier without the wars and destructio
it stinks caring too much about what others think, it's what we're taught
:(( life, just isn't a fan of giving breaks, is it?
...he's wise. very very wise.
tsk, bc of shoujo like this, i get my hopes up
wherebeit friends, lovers, or family...finding a kindred spirit is always, always, joyful <3
the moment you fall in love...and that person becomes the center of your universe.
loving someone who doesn't love you once is hard...doing that that takes courage...or stupidity...