what in the fuck is happening right now? i can't this is too much
ahhaha he got a really good show
i'm laughing but i'm embarrassed
the second hand embarrassment
can you imagine being this guy
and this is when i knew i effed up by reading this. gahhh why! why is he so cute
broooooo it's 2 pillows!!!!!! conclusion jumper
wahhhh you're jumping to conclusions
he's an total idiot, but a fine one i may add
wahhhh i'm getting embarrassed
bruhhh this situation
what in thaa!?????
bro what evenn is this ahahah
ahah LMFAOOOO but why is this hot?
ohmyghaawdd no second hand embarrassment
yea buddy you screwed up lastnight but don't worry it'll all work out in the end
now this is where everything goes hectic
screaming on the inside